Liam's* Story
Tragic Loss
"When I was younger I was a painter and decorator. I lived with my partner. She died and after that I got depressed and stopped caring about life. I started doing alcohol and cocaine and got into arguments with customers about late payment. I lost my job. Since then I've been homeless. I've done shoplifting and got into trouble with the police quite a bit. I've been to prison several times. Recently I've had an operation and I am in quite a lot of pain. I have to claim for ESA because I'm not fit for work. Filling in the forms is really hard. My mum still loves me but I couldn't move in with her because she couldn't cope with what I was doing. When I came to the project they asked me what I needed help with. They went with me to the council to apply for a flat and got some together some furniture for me. I am settled and see the drug and alcohol worker from our RBWM Resilience to help me with my addiction issues.