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What we do

Our person-centred approach embraces a three
stage guest journey to rebuilding a new life: 


Compassion and a listening ear are often the starting point



We support guests as they work towards their own goals



A choice of ongoing support ‘building blocks’ are available

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Compassion and a listening ear are often the starting point

We provide a drop-in centre four days a week in Windsor, at Holy Trinity on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and at St Stephen’s on Saturdays


Our guests are welcomed with a hot meal, with warmth, with friendship, and practical help. They can shower, have their laundry done, get clothing, and receive help and advice.

Often, our guests are introduced to us by the outreach teams of our sister projects, Windsor Street Angels and Foodshare, by our local PCSOs and
community wardens, or by one of our existing guests.


Our approach starts with registration, getting to know our new guest, and their individual needs, and building trust.

Compassion and a listening ear are often the starting points that gives guests the confidence to share their problems and seek our help to move forward.


We aim to solve any immediate issues straight away, such as helping our guests access the NHS, Universal Credit, a phone or the internet.


Then we’ll work together to build a plan, starting the journey towards being housed and fully supported into a sustainable, fulfilling, settled lifestyle.


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A choice of ongoing support 'building blocks' are available

When guests have applied for housing and it is allocated, we help them set up home by finding and transporting furniture and household goods.


And whilst a new home is a major milestone, post-tenancy support is crucial to people living on their own.


So after being housed, guests needs are re-assessed. Continuing the support options at Stage Two, they are also encouraged to set their own goals to help rebuild their lives.


A choice of ongoing support ‘building blocks’ are available, defined by previous users as being important in rebuilding their own lives. These ‘building blocks’ include:


  • Budgeting - developing good financial management

  • Mental health - improving confidence, self esteem and resilience

  • Psychological & spiritual health - redefining hope, motivation and purpose

  • Stable lifestyle - developing life skills, routine and fulfilling activities

  • Positive relationships - reconnecting with family and friends, building a network of safe people as a support network

  • Talents and skills - discovering talents and new skills by attending courses

  • Physical health - healthy eating, exercise, seeing GP, local leisure centre

  • Work skills - rebuilding skills by volunteering, part time or full time work

  • Personal aspirations - being empowered to dream, to hope and have positive goals for the future.


Users can continue to attend the Project for as long as they need after being housed, meaning we have a mix of homeless and housed guests at the Project, at different stages of their journey, providing mutual companionship.


We support guests as they work towards their own goals

We support the homeless in and around Windsor, and other guests who have complex issues that may impact their ability to maintain their home.


We currently have over 35 individuals regularly visiting the Project.


In the Empower stage, we support guests as they work towards their own goals.


We provide the resources, the structure, and the links with other services for each individual to push forward with their plan, at their own pace.

Our approach is one of collaboration. We work with many specialist agencies and organisations to meet the needs of our guests, including:


  • Physical health - registering with a GP for diagnosis and potential treatment

  • Mental health - signposting for appraisal, treatment and ongoing care

  • Addiction - agency referral towards rehabilitation and support

  • Emotional - addressing safety, belonging, relationships and self esteem via counselling and pastoral care

  • Practical - help filling in forms and IT, for benefits and housing applications, budgeting

  • Support - with approaching the council and finding housing, furnishings and setting up home.


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